Transient Recorder

Speculative Design - Complex Systems - User Interface Design

There are moments in our lives that we want to capture. Visually, we do this through photos and videos. But capturing sound presents a unique challenge; it is inherently transient. Auditory events happen in an instant, gone before we can hit record. This makes it challenging to collect the sounds that enrich our daily experiences. This calls for the creation of a new type of recording device, one that is able to address the issue of temporality through technology.

The transient recorder is a special type of audio recorder that is capable of retroactive audio capture – recording sounds that have already happened. It acts as an auditory time machine, enabling users to retrieve recordings of sounds they encountered in their direct environments. Through an ever-changing interface, sounds can be revisited and stored, as if constructing an audio-based photo album. The transient recorder is both a visionary technological artefact and a speculative object, opening up the conversation on the socio-ethical implications of ubiquitous recording.

This project was done in collaboration with Bureau Moeilijke Dingen.

This project will be exhibited at the 4TU.Federation Design United exhibition during Dutch Design Week 2024

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Link to 4TU.Design United page